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Personalized Health & Fitness Coaching

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Registered Nurse, Personal Trainer, and Specialist in Sports Nutrition


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Personalized Health & Fitness Coaching

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Registered Nurse, Personal Trainer, and Specialist in Sports Nutrition


Are you tired of trying to sort through all the information about diets and nutrition? Are you interested in transforming your relationship with food and your body so you never feel like you "have to get back on your diet" again?

Extremes such as meal plans and restrictive diets and “cheat days” often fail because they are not sustainable long term. These methods are missing a key piece, conscious awareness and education about the choices we are making.

Eating healthy is about being aware of what you are eating, how you are feeling, and making conscious choices repeatedly.โ€‹ THAT is the key to success.

My 1:1 private coaching is designed specifically for men and women who are ready to ditch the diet mentality and feel healthy, strong, confident - while still enjoying the foods they love!

This is not a diet. Not a meal plan. Just real people eating real food... getting real results and enjoying the process. Because what is life without fun foods sometimes?!

Are you tired of trying to sort through all the information about diets and nutrition? Are you interested in transforming your relationship with food and your body so you never feel like you "have to get back on your diet" again?

Extremes such as meal plans and restrictive diets and “cheat days” often fail because they are not sustainable long term. These methods are missing a key piece, conscious awareness and education about the choices we are making.

Eating healthy is about being aware of what you are eating, how you are feeling, and making conscious choices repeatedly.โ€‹ THAT is the key to success.

My 1:1 private coaching is designed specifically for men and women who are ready to ditch the diet mentality and feel healthy, strong, confident - while still enjoying the foods they love!

This is not a diet. Not a meal plan. Just real people eating real food... getting real results and enjoying the process. Because what is life without fun foods sometimes?!


What it’s all about:

Eating healthy is not about following a certain meal plan or going “on and off” diets because that is not sustainable.

I will teach you about how to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle so you never have to “diet” again. You will learn how to have your Free Donut Friday or Taco Tuesday and still reach your goals WITHOUT GUILT for “falling off the wagon” or eating “BAD”.

People who develop a healthy relationship with their bodies, food, and fitness have built the skills - through practice - which allows them to be mindful, pay attention to their emotions, and tune into their body’s signals.

The skill of “listening to your body and learning what works for you” — is just that, a skill. And, with practice, can be developed and improved upon.



The more you understand your body and the food that fuels it – eating healthy and moving more does begin to become automated.

My 1:1 private coaching is a completely customized approach, meant to teach you how to eat healthy for a long time - while providing you with the latest well-researched and reputable nutrition education and personalized accountability.

The program follows specific steps but is completely individualized to each person. You can feel confident knowing that your plan is created by someone who will put your health first.



What it’s all about:

Eating healthy is not about following a certain meal plan or going “on and off” diets because that is not sustainable.

I will teach you about how to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle so you never have to “diet” again. You will learn how to have your Free Donut Friday or Taco Tuesday and still reach your goals WITHOUT GUILT for “falling off the wagon” or eating “BAD”.

People who develop a healthy relationship with their bodies, food, and fitness have built the skills - through practice - which allows them to be mindful, pay attention to their emotions, and tune into their body’s signals.

The skill of “listening to your body and learning what works for you” — is just that, a skill. And, with practice, can be developed and improved upon.


The more you understand your body and the food that fuels it – eating healthy and moving more does begin to become automated.

My 1:1 private coaching is a completely customized approach, meant to teach you how to eat healthy for a long time - while providing you with the latest well-researched and reputable nutrition education and personalized accountability.

The program follows specific steps but is completely individualized to each person. You can feel confident knowing that your plan is created by someone who will put your health first.

You will learn:

starHow to create a clear, goal-driven nutrition plan that works for YOU and that you can immediately put into action.

starHow to create better goals.

starHow to create a healthy meal every time - no matter your eating preference (gluten free, no dairy, etc.)

starHow to break down carbs, protein, and fat for your body type.

starThe impact stress has on your body and what to do about it.

starWhy movement is actually more important than any exercise plan you follow.

starHow your emotions drive your thoughts and behaviors and what to do with them.

starThe secret sauce for long-term success.

Many people are surprised at how easy it is to reach their goals once they have a plan. Many people are also surprised by how long it takes to reach their goals.

Lasting success takes consistency and TIME.

This program will help you make small decisions every day that move you closer to reaching your goals once and for all.

I will help you figure out what might work well for your body type and your goals, navigate through everything you read and hear online and create a sustainable nutrition plan for life.

Success is hard work and it does not happen overnight. It does not happen from one decision - but from the decisions you make, day in and day out.

“We are what we repeatedly do.” —โ€ŠAristotle

Just because someone else had success one way, doesn't mean everyone else will. Low carbs may work for one person but not another. High-intensity training may be great for one client but kill another client's knees.

One size does not fit all in health and fitness. This is exactly why you need a coach. Someone there to help guide you in the right direction.



Here’s what you get when you join:

Completely customized plan for YOU.

Guidance from a Registered Nurse and Specialist in Sports Nutrition

Weekly lessons, tasks, and accountability check-ins

Worksheets, guides, and planners to help keep you on track

Motivational tips and techniques to keep you focused on your goals

Access to the private membership site and private app

Personalized support and accountability

How it works:

We will start out with a strategy call where we will dive deeper into what you are currently doing, and what isn’t working for you. Together we will come up with a plan that will work for your lifestyle and preferences.

This process looks different for everyone, some like meal ideas where others would like specific nutrition goals. The beauty of a completely customized plan is that you get specific goals and direction for YOU. Not a one size fits all approach.

I am here to support you and help hold you accountable throughout this process, but I need you to be 100% committed to showing up and doing the work.


What Clients Have Said:


I remember not so long ago taking comfort in food, then starving myself after because I felt so bad about what I was doing. One of the reasons I chose Coach Krista is because I knew she would have my health in mind. I knew she would be there for me when other coaches weren’t and I needed that.

- Rhonda


I knew other people who had success with Coach Krista, but I was still expecting it to be like all of the other fad diets. However, with some gentle encouragement from my girlfriend, I skeptically signed up. Oh Boy was I surprised. Not only was I still getting to eat food that I really liked, but I was getting so much more of it than I was on my previous "diet". I wasn't spending my days hungry, and the plan was just so easy. Now, I am only a couple of pounds from my final goal of 210 lb, and I am lighter than I have been since high school.

- Phil


I remember not so long ago taking comfort in food, then starving myself after because I felt so bad about what I was doing. One of the reasons I chose Coach Krista is because I knew she would have my health in mind. I knew she would be there for me when other coaches weren’t and I needed that.

- Rhonda


I knew other people who had success with Fit and Fare, but I was still expecting it to be like all of the other fad diets. However, with some gentle encouragement from my girlfriend, I skeptically signed up. Oh Boy was I surprised. Not only was I still getting to eat food that I really liked, but I was getting so much more of it than I was on my previous "diet". I wasn't spending my days hungry, and the plan was just so easy. Now, I am only a couple of pounds from my final goal of 210 lb, and I am lighter than I have been since high school.

- Phil


Hi, I’m Krista.

I am a registered nurse, personal trainer, and specialist in sports nutrition. I help clients every day reach their goals and improve their relationship with food.

Working in the hospital I see patients all the time who are suffering from chronic diseases and illnesses related to their lifestyle and diet choices. I wanted to be able to help others learn to change those behaviors and improve their health.

I strongly believe that you can't out-train a bad diet and nutrition plays a key role in your overall health and well-being. My plans are designed for you and your busy schedule.

I work with a wide variety of people with different goals and motivations. Some want to simply feel better about themselves and have more energy, others want to improve their health and reduce some of the medications they are on for chronic illness, or lose weight and gain strength so they can feel healthy and confident. So whatever your goals are, you can rest assured that I’ve got it covered.


Hi, I’m Krista.

I am a registered nurse, personal trainer, and specialist in sports nutrition. I help clients every day reach their goals and improve their relationship with food.

Working in the hospital I see patients all the time who are suffering from chronic diseases and illnesses related to their lifestyle and diet choices. I wanted to be able to help others learn to change those behaviors and improve their health.

I strongly believe that you can't out-train a bad diet and nutrition plays a key role in your overall health and well-being. My plans are designed for you and your busy schedule.

I work with a wide variety of people with different goals and motivations. Some want to simply feel better about themselves and have more energy, others want to improve their health and reduce some of the medications they are on for chronic illness, or lose weight and gain strength so they can feel healthy and confident. So whatever your goals are, you can rest assured that I’ve got it covered.

Coaching Investment

1:1 Coaching Programs start at $199/month. The minimum commitment is for 3 months. Paid in full discounts available.

Multiple packages available with different levels of support

** Spaces available on application only, please apply below. Payment/installment plans available.**


Ready to join me?!

Click the button below if you are interested in scheduling a complimentary discovery call to chat if 1:1 private coaching is right for you. I will get back to you within 24 hours!


Please note: There are limited spots available, I want to make sure that I can dedicate myself to each client individually.